Welcome to the Circles Club. A new kind of social media site. We think of it as a virtually real social club. Where good friends gather to share. And talk of many things.
Our main goal is to be, as much as possible, what members want us to be. However, we hope our focus will be on Media Content: photography, film/video, sound & music. We want to be a place where those generating original media discuss their art and share their work.
If you want a feature, just let us know. We will do our best to make it so. Should there be conflicting options? We might just hold a vote!
We want the Club to be a place for civil discussion only. Thus, we implore members to keep it clean. If you cannot abide, as determined by the general sentiment of the membership? You’ll be asked to leave.
We have another goal: keep the membership size “manageable.” If we’re lucky enough to get too big? We’ll address the challenge (there is a plan).
The site was built by S. Bert Olsson (aka Noz Trey on the Bird app). There’s no megacorp sponsor; it’s essentially a One Pop Shop. We are running on one wing and lots of hope. 😊
* Note: registration currently does not require a working email address. Verification may be enabled at any time in the future. Accounts created during the beta test period will not be affected.